Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

The NLU submodule is used to translate text inputs into formal semantic representations. This allows for capturing the semantic intent behind a statement or question, and using knowledge bases to translate formal question representations into answers.

The roboy_parser NLU module is based on SEMPRE <>. It is currently being modified to fulfill Roboy Dialog system needs.


The NLU module is installed automatically when running mvn clean install in roboy_dialog.


Semantic parser is based on the language model and NLP algorithms that then apply rules to the utterance to translate it. Language model consists of: - set of grammar rules, - lexicon, - training dataset.

General architecture can be seen on the diagram below.

alt:Semantic parser general architecture


NLU is a JAR dependency, with which the dialog system is communicating through the edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.roboy.SemanticAnalyzerInterface class. Dialog system has a client implemented in class.

The current parser was modified from SEMPRE and currently has following components

alt:Semantic parser components


Roboy parser currently has currently following functionalities:

Semantic Parser algorithms used
Functionality Software used Summary
Tokens OpenNLP Tokenized utterance
POS Tags OpenNLP Tagging tokens as part of speech
NER Tags OpenNLP Tool used to tag named entities like PERSON, NUMBER, ORGANIZATION
Triple extraction OpenIE Tool used to extract triples from sentences in form (Subject,Predicate,Object)
Parser result Parser Logical representation of an utterance
Parser answer Parser Answer for resulting parser result
Follow-up Parser Follow-up questions for underspecified term